Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy & Anti-Aging Medicine

Are you always feeling tired? Have difficulty with your memory? Poor sleep? Low libido? Difficulty losing excess weight? We can help!

Hormonal imbalances in both men and women are much more common than we think and can lead to a variety of symptoms that directly impact your quality of life. These symptoms may include: decreased energy, irritability and low mood, cognitive or memory issues, lower sex drive and even weight gain. Unfortunately, many are misdiagnosed or have been prescribed a variety of medications for various symptoms, never really addressing their root cause.


In order to get started, book a 15-minute complimentary phone call with Dr. Crisci. Once that appointment has been booked you will be emailed a BHRT intake questionnaire which will help Dr. Crisci determine if you are candidate for BHRT. During your phone call Dr. Crisci will be able to give you a list of recommended testing and associated costs, depending on your medical history and symptoms. Once you are deemed a candidate for BHRT and wish to proceed, you will be invoiced a Treatment Initiation Fee and receive your bloodwork requisition and any other test(s), if applicable. After receiving your results Dr. Crisci will meet with you in consultation, review your symptoms and medical history and get you started on your personalized treatment plan.


The BHRT Treatment Initiation fee is $1000 and includes your personalized consultation with Dr. Crisci.

Note that the cost of any testing ordered by the physician is in addition to the Treatment Initiation fee. An estimate for basic testing and any additional testing will be given to you at the time of your 15-minute phone call. Following the BHRT treatment initiation, the pricing for services are as follows:

  • Optional hormone pelleting procedure: $700
  • Follow-up appointments $275 (generally via phone or telehealth – 3 per year are required on average)
  • Prescription refills without an appointment $75
  • Medical advice via email or phone $25

How Hormone Production Decreases As We Age

Hormones are essential ‘messengers’ in the body. As they travel they affect all of our organs and metabolic processes, how we age, fat distribution, cognitive performance, sleep quality, anxiety levels, cardiovascular and bone health, and so much more. Unfortunately our hormone production gradually, and sometimes more abruptly, decreases with age. Because of their essential roles in the body, hormone imbalances can cause a variety of symptoms that ultimately rob you of your quality of life and accelerate the aging process. It is not uncommon for patients to be prescribed a variety of medications to treat symptoms that never really address the root cause of the symptoms in the first place.

It All Starts With A Test

We don’t know your hormone levels until these get tested. At Pacifica MD we aren’t satisfied with a level that is simply in the so-called ‘normal range’. We look at optimal levels. This means taking a much closer look at your current symptoms, your hormone levels, and ensuring that you are at the most optimal hormonal level that will not only eliminate your current symptoms but restore your zest for life. 

Bioidentical Matters

Not all hormones are created the same. At Pacifica MD we favor bioidentical hormones, which means they are the exact molecular copy of what is naturally made by your body. Oftentimes these are synthesized from plant compounds, thus combining the best of science and nature. 

Experience is Everything

Dr. Crisci has practiced as a medical doctor for 20 years in both acute and primary care. She obtained additional training and experience in hormone replacement, menopausal care and functional medicine, seeking to optimize her patient’s health and help them live their best life. BHRT isn’t without risks, and any hormonal replacement ought to be done by an experienced medical professional who can perform a comprehensive evaluation of your medical history and current symptoms while carefully assessing the risks and benefits of hormone replacement. 

bhrt for women bhrt for men